1 Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus, to the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: grace and peace to you.
2 We always thank God for you all when we mention you constantly in our prayers,
3 as we recall your active faith and labour of love and patient hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father.
4 O brothers beloved by God, we know he has chosen you;
5 for our gospel came to you not with mere words but also with power and with the holy Spirit, with ample conviction on our part (you know what we were to you, for your own good),
6 and you started to copy us and the Lord, welcoming the word, though it brought you heavy trouble, with a joy inspired by the holy Spirit.
7 Thus you became a pattern to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia;
8 for the word of the Lord has resounded from you not only through Macedonia and Achaia — no, your faith in God has reached every place. We never need to speak about it.
9 People tell us of their own accord about the visit we paid to you, and how you turned to God from idols, to serve a living and a real God
10 and to wait for the coming of his Son from heaven — the Son whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who rescues us from the Wrath to come.